Technical Services
Artemis Wildlife Consultants also offers a wide range of technical services for any type of wildlife or wildlife-related project. We provide exceptional technical services that will ensure that information is collected and analyzed quickly, effectively, and economically. In addition to H. Davis, Artemis Wildlife Consultants has a staff on hand with a broad scope of complimentary technical skills. All of our technical services follow ResourcesInformation Standards Committee (RISC) standards, where applicable.
Wildlife InventoryHabitat AssessmentsWe have conducted numerous RISC-complaint inventories on a wide variety of species throughout British Columbia, including aerial surveys of caribou, moose, and wolves and winter wildlife surveys using snow track transects. We have conducted auditory and larval surveys for pond-breeding amphibians, call-playback surveys for owls, and search-unit and road surveys for several reptile species. We have been involved in developing and refining census techniques for black bear, grizzly bear, and fisher populations using DNA sampling and remote sensing cameras. Our company has also developed sampling protocols for several other carnivore inventory programs (fishers, badgers). Our lead biologist has completed “Introduction to Wildlife Species Inventory” as required by the Resources Information Standards Committee for all wildlife inventories in British Columbia.
Animal Capture and Immobilization
We have performed in excess of 1,200 vegetation sampling plots (FS882 and GIF) and 600 variable-radius cruise and coarse woody debris plots in environments ranging from coastal temperate and sub-boreal forests to dry grassland ecosystems. We are very familiar with current Resources Information Standards Committee standards with respect to habitat sampling (using both Vegetation Resources Inventory and Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping methods) and have completed Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping and Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification courses.
Radiotelemetry Monitoring
We have experience using a variety of methods for capturing and handling wildlife. For medium-sized carnivores such as fishers, badgers, wolverines, and American martens, we are proficient with the use of Havahart traps, log-cabin traps, culvert traps, padded leg-hold traps, and Aldrich snares. Our senior biologist has completed the provincial chemical immobilization course and has administered a variety of anaesthetics. Our crew is skilled at fitting and attaching radiocollars, ear-tagging, tattooing, collecting blood samples, and extracting teeth for ageing purposes. We have also conducted extensive dipnet sampling of larvae to monitor populations of pond-breeding amphibians. All of our capture and handling protocols meet or exceed provincial animal welfare guidelines. We have safely and efficiently handled a variety of wildlife species, including fishers, badgers, wolverines, black bears, Great Basin spadefoots, western screech-owls, and American martens.
Other Pertinent Skills
Our company has both intensive and extensive experience monitoring radio-collared wildlife, ranging from small carnivores to large ungulates. We have performed over 1,200 hours of aerial telemetry for radio-tagged fishers, badgers, black bears, barren-ground grizzly bears, wolves, moose and caribou. We have many years of experience performing ground telemetry, including identifying denning sites and track trails of tagged animals, in addition to ground triangulations using the most up-to-date analyses. We are very familiar with the application of both Telonics and Lotek telemetry systems.
We have many other pertinent skills that we would bring to any wildlife program. Our crew has amassed hundreds of days of isolated coastal and interior fieldwork, performing field activities during both day and night. Our company has extensive experience safely operating 4x4 trucks and snowmobiles. We have valid WCB Occupational First Aid Level I with Transportation Endorsement certificates.